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Managing Stress

Updated: Nov 19, 2022

822,000 of UK workers suffer from work-related stress, depression and or anxiety. With that in mind, the current turbulent economic climate will no doubt have a bigger impact on our mental wellbeing.

Before we can manage stress, we need to be able to recognise and understand what the triggers are, individual to each person.

Being aware of how you feel each day to certain situations can be a great starting point. Stress is often associated with how we react to situations when we feel under pressure or under threat.

Let's be honest, some of us enjoy working under pressure, the adrenaline can be a great high, and brings out our best work, however, stress becomes a problem when it lasts for longer periods of time and becomes extremely intense.

How can we reduce stress at work and home?

There are many methods that help reduce stress, we share some of our top tips that can be incorporated to your daily routines that will help reduce stress and triggers


A microbreak is a scheduled break from work that can last anywhere from two to ten minutes.

A systematic review published earlier this year combined data from 22 study samples involving more than 2,300 people who were asked whether microbreaks help reduce workplace stress.


Meditation, a simple technique that, can be practiced for as few as 10 minutes each day, and practised daily, can help you control stress, and help decrease anxiety, along with improving cardiovascular health. Meditation allows us to form new neural connections to our brain which means it's possible to reshape our old habits, automated behaviours, unconscious actions - even addictions can be banished though meditation.⁠

Meditation can also help reach a great relaxing capacity. Relaxing can help you prevent or relieve stressful feelings. This tip may also help when you’re facing a stressor - pause for a moment, then take a deep breath and slowly breathe out as you count to 10. Great method to help clear the mind so you can respond to stress better.

Physical Activity

Exercise has been known for increasing overall health and sense of well-being, which if we all admit, puts a spring in our step. Physical activity also improves your body’s ability to use oxygen, therefore improving blood flow, resulting in a direct positive effect on your brain. If you've exercised, you may have experienced the "runners-high", feeling of euphoria, after exercise, which is an increase in your brain’s production of endorphins. Endorphins are the “feel-good” neurotransmitters that are responsible for that feeling, which has an immediate impact on your mood.


For more tips on wellbeing, head over to our app where you can find a variety of on-demand content from our coaches.


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